We all have goals. Some dream about their goals relentlessly, others, put their dreams into motion. I'd like to be the latter option. I know what my goals are, I know what I want beyond a shadow of a doubt, yet I find my self constantly battling with myself to overcome the challenges that these goals present. But no more. I am no longer going to be a dreamer, instead, I'm will become an achiever. One who sees a destination and puts all their effort into getting there. It won't be easy. I know that, but really, nothing in life worth fighting for ever is... So what now for me? Well, I have two very distinct goals that are am constantly obsessing over; and I must say, these are very ambitious goals, but ... I believe I can get there. I really do.
Number one goal, become a model. This is something that I have wanted for... a very, very long time. I know it sounds ridiculous but it's something that is completely in my grasp... I just have to work extremely hard for it. This is one goal that I have continually had both success and failure with. It is difficult and ruthless yet I am completely in love with the entire concept. I know what I have to do; present myself with the upmost sophistication and grace, to everyone around me, and to have a positive grateful attitude that can uplift and inspire others. I also must begin to heavily focus on a rather selfish point of view; that is my appearance. Health and fitness is something I am already very passionate about but my only downfall is my consistency with it. Though I exercise frequently, I tend to heavily rely on the food provided for me and I never really put enough effort into cooking that is sustainable enough for me and my path. Though I have tried numerous diet plans, I know that I personally have not had enough willpower to stick to it, therefore leading to my failure. And the only reason for this is, well I'm human, and I try to avoid the difficult path and instead try to find the easiest possible way, which ultimately never leads me to where I want to be. Mike Horn, a huge inspiration once said "When the need for success is stronger than the fear of failure, that is when one will win." That will be the quote that I shall think of when my journey gets tough. Now looking at the modelling industry, it is clear that the standard of models is very high, and their bodies are indeed like elite athletes. They have lean, slender bodies with a very low body fat percentage. For me to get to this, I need to lose 3-4kg and get to less than 10% body fat. Looking at that now it seems terrifying. Crazy even... but I know I can do it in a healthy safe way. To achieve this, I shall be going on the "Clean and Lean" diet plan. I will also be purchasing nutritional supplements to aid in the process. My goal is to lose 2 kilos in one month, and hopefully another 2 in three months. I shall be recording each day I am on this diet for at least two weeks my food journal and my thoughts. Hopefully this allow me to keep on track with this even when things get difficult. Alright so that's enough about that, my second goal is actually another very ambitious yet interesting goal that strangely enough is connected to the first one.
Goal number two: Go to the Amazon with Mike Horn - Pangea Expeditions. This is an incredible opportunity. Mike Horn an internationally renowned expeditioner takes 16 students aged 15-20 to go to Switzerland where they are tested both physically and mentally to see if they are capable enough in joining him at the Amazon. The first step to this is making a video telling the Mike Horn crew why I deserve to be on the team. I have heaps of ideas running through my mind at random points through out the day for this video, I have to make it brilliant and fun while showing my true self. I think it's going to be a lot of fun. But first to even be considered in the application, I need to be active within my community. That is I need to be volunteering regularly as well as taking initiative in other activities. I have already volunteering at my local animal shelter but I think I shall begin to go more frequently. I also would like to get involved with tree planting as well as turtle conservation. Finally, you also need to be physically fit to be a contender. This is where my "Clean and Lean" training will fit in. I love running that is something I am really passionate about and hope to do well in future competitions. So I can train for it while also getting fit and healthy while loving every step! Another activity I absolutely love is cycling... and I will be participating in a four day ride for charity. This will obviously require a lot of training to be able to endure the distance but I will attend regular RPM classes to get fitness up. I know it seems like a lot, but I'm not starting from nothing. I'm already doing weekly classes as well as weekly runs. Now all I have to do is organise my time so that I am able to volunteer, train, and prepare healthy meals! What a load. Oh and I mustn't forget school work. IB school work. Yes I am definitely going to have to be 110% committed to my goals if I want even a chance of success. I know what is definitely not doing me any good; Facebook and Youtube. Oh yes I know it's so bad for me. I will stop immediately. It's no good, life is way to short to spend hours watching other people's lives. And you know what. I have a third goal. Equally as important if not more than my other two. That is doing well in school. Not just doing well doing excellently. I love my school and my IB course and I know that when things get tough I tend to not want to do the work set. But I also know that when I set my mind to a task, I am able to complete it to a very high standard. I have repeatedly made the mistake of leaving things to the last possible minute and this has always left me stressed, and never getting enough sleep. I have promised myself to never let that happen again, but somehow, it always does. But not this time. I am a new person with new focused goals and nothing well sway me. I have just got to believe in myself and my abilities and before I know it, I will be going from strength to strength. Without a doubt the journey will be difficult, painful, tiring but I have just got to give it my all and enjoy each moment because really, life is the best gift of all, I just want to experience it to the fullest.
Never give up. xx
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